Subscription management and recurring billing solutions

SubscriptionBridge + Braintree

Add useful, advanced subscription management tools to Braintree
SubscriptionBridge and Braintree

Why Braintree?

Braintree is a very popular, full featured payment system: it provides you with both a payment gateway and a merchant account, and charges zero fees on the first $50,000 in transactions.

Why do I need both?

Braintree contains basic recurring billing features. SubscriptionBridge adds a number of advanced subscription management and customer service features to Braintree recurring billing. In a nutshell, here is how the two systems work together:

  • Credit cards are stored securely in the Braintree payment vault
  • SubscriptionBridge information is stored in SubscriptionBridge
  • SubscriptionBridge "calls" Braintree to process recurring and one-time payments as needed

Which features does SubscriptionBridge add to Braintree?

Here's a partial list of features that become available when you use SubscriptionBridge with Braintree.

    Braintree   Braintree + SubscriptionBridge
Subscription ManagementSubscription Management    
Search and view existing subscriptions Feature included Feature included
Easily create subscription packages - Feature included
Add/remove features to a subscription - Feature included
Upgrade/downgrade to a related subscription package - Feature included
Create one-time, catch-up payments - Feature included
Create Custom Subscription Adjustments - Feature included
Customer ServiceCustomer Service    
Notify customers when important scenarios occur (credit card expiration, trial ending, etc.) Limited Feature included
Add custom messages to the notifications automatically sent by the system (e.g. instructions related to a free trial). - Feature included
Allow customers to end a trial and switch to a full subscription (Merchant can do the same). - Feature included
Allow customers to add/remove features to/from an existing subscription (if any), with automatic calculation of pro-rata amount due for current billing period. - Feature included
Automatically and/or manually request catch-up payments when needed (e.g. outstanding balance) Limited Feature included
Email subscription notificationsE-mail Notifications    
Basic, text-only e-mail notifications Feature included -
Rich, HTML e-mail notifications - See some examples - Feature included
Over 10 customer service messages sent automatically in different scenarios - View a list - Feature included
Ability to resend a notification email - Feature included
Built-in checkout - Feature included